
A reduced Helvetica font (at ${\frac{7}{8}}$ normal size) has been used for; I have chosen to do this because of numerous complaints that the Helvetica ``looked too big'' when placed next to Times; the x-height of 10pt Helvetica is much bigger than the x-height of 10pt Times (5.25pt versus 4.48pt). I do not know if I have committed some sort of typographer's cardinal sin; comments from the knowledgeable would be appreciated. If you want to normalize things, substitute h-med for h-red in fntchoice.tex.

It is now possible to make ``sans-serif LATEX'' (based on Helvetica), ``Palatino LATEX''4, etc., by simple changes to fntchoice.tex. The author is happy to provide software (under UNIX5) to create PL files for the derived fonts. To do the job properly a format designer should be used to set new page sizes, line widths, etc.,..., volunteers are welcome!